Treatments and Services
Outpatient Substance Abuse and treatment assessments
- Participants assessed and treatment planned using the evidence based LS/CMI- Level of Service Case Management Inventory.
Intensive Outpatient Therapy (IOP)
-SAMSHA approved curriculum facilitated by Master’s level clinicians.
Peer Recovery Coaching and Groups
-Facilitated by SBVDRC Recovery Coaches
- Facilitated by SBVDRC Staff using *CURRICULUM ADD HERE*
Career Development
Facilitated by SBVDRC Staff - Job searching, Interviewing skills, Resume building
Life Skills
-Facilitated by SBVDRC Staff
Participants newly referred to the SBVDRC will be assessed by case management staff and issued an individualized treatment plan which may consist of any of the following:
Inpatient detox/treatment 30-45 days
Intensive Outpatient Treatment- 3 days/week, 3 hours/day
Individual Therapy- 1 day/week, 1 hour/day
Peer Recovery Coaching- 1 day/week, 1 hour/day
Random Drug/alcohol screening
The minimum amount of time required to participate in treatment is 12 months. Participants are required to fulfill the obligations of their treatment plans, which are established by SBVDRC Staff.